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                简体中文 简体中文 English English
                1. Upgrade DIY Shoe Cabinet-12 Cubes
                2. Upgrade DIY Shoe Cabinet-12 Cubes
                3. Upgrade DIY Shoe Cabinet-12 Cubes
                4. Upgrade DIY Shoe Cabinet-12 Cubes

                Upgrade DIY Shoe Cabinet-12 Cubes

                • 型号JL-XG-12U2
                • 品牌JIANLI
                • 价格
                1. Detailed information

                Product Description

                About this item

                【STURDY DESIGN】Shoe rack closet, that is very strong to bear heavyweight, 22 lb load-bearing for each cube to offer maximum storage space. Strengthen the metallic line frame provides extra support,Perfect for Various types of shoes。

                【LARGE & MULTI-USE STORAGE】Each shoe rack storage cube is 12.6"x16.5"X18.5.", Each large cubes has three layers and can hold 2 pairs of shoes more space than normal Shoe Rack .enable you not only to store shoes but different kinds of items,such as bags, accessories, bedding and lining, book toys, cables etc。

                【Environmental Materials】Made of non-toxic and harmless PP plastic.The Metal Wire and high-quality ABS plastic connectors made it strong enough to meet you storage.Clear Shoe cabinet with door Keep your shoes dust free and neatly Conveniently categorized,Let you to find the shoes you want without opening the door.

                【Easy Install and Portable】Free DIY Top-Quality Connectors, ,installation manual provided. assemble your shose organizers and storage Cabinet,it will just take you less than 20 minutes to assemble. The cubes are easy to take apart and rebuild, also light-weight to move if needed.






                Nightstand- 2 Cubes

                Nightstand- 2 Cubes
